by Shenzhan/申展

A summary of fragmented thoughts during the week, Proof of Living Moments (PLM) intends to have an account of what comes to my mind when I am reading on the subway, walking in the street or listening to a podcast. Thoughts often appear, then disappear into the ocean of unconsciousness, as if they have never existed.

As if that living moment has never existed.

I hope these notes are at least a proof of those living moments.

I was reading an article from New York Times on June 15, 2019, “Nazi Killed Her Father: Then She Fell in Love with One”, a story of a family history deeply complicated and disturbing. Immediately after reading the article, I wrote down the following message. Today, July 5, 2019, as I am reading the message again, it still strikes me of its relevance. 

My Dear Child,

When you grow up, you will discover that disregard your humanity, intelligence, kind will, personality, you will be judged, at some point, by race, class, ideology, religion, etc. Is it fair? Absolutely not! But shall we live with anger, frustration or despair? No. My dear child. I challenge you to live a life that’s full of joy, love and kindness in spite of the unfairness. Just remember, such a life is not given. Sometimes you have to fight for it from others. Most of the time, it’s a fight with and within yourself. 

Always humble. Always thinking of the fact that ON ONE is innocent. 

The thought of this, to me, is a living moment. And now I have a proof. 

Astoria, New York
