
妈妈:Dear Mom

见字如面 Hope you see the characters as if to see me

今天我只关心一件事 Today the only thing I concern about is 

那些构成我们的粒子The particles that make us

来生如何?What will they become in the next life when

当我不再是我 I am no longer me, and

你也不再是你 You are no longer you?

我们的微粒重新飘舞在天地 Once again our tiny particles float in the universe

成为云 to be cloud

山河 mountains, river, or

或另一个生命 another being

它们还会相遇吗?在 Will they meet again in

同一滴水 the same drop of water, or

同一片叶 the same piece of leaf, or 

或者同一颗跳动的心里 the same heart, beating together?

我们曾经的粒子重逢 Particles once part of us will reunite perhaps

或许比现在更紧密 even closer than we are ever

粒子们没有记忆 Particles won’t have memories, and

我想现在就告诉你这个 I want to tell you now that

我中有你 I could be in you and

你中有我的 You could be in me

来生 in our next life

展儿 Zhan’er

辛丑二零二一年六月二十六日纽约June 26, 2021, New York, Astoria